
Tuesday, 31 January 2017

The Silent Struggle

It is always difficult to tell others that we have health issues, even more so when it comes to mental health issues. As with physical health challenges, there are various types and degrees of severity of psychological disorders. Before reaching adulthood, most of us would have gone through numerous episodes of mental health challenges. Common forms of mental illness include eating disorders, addiction disorders, panic attacks, anxiety disorders, depression, mood disorders, ADHD and the list goes on. The more severe forms would be neurosis, psychosis and schizophrenia, etc.

According to, "... although the exact cause of most mental illnesses is not known, it is becoming clear through research that many of these conditions are caused by a combination of genetic, biological, psychological, and environmental factors -- not personal weakness or a character defect -- and recovery from a mental illness is not simply a matter of will and self-discipline." We can recover from mental illness with proper treatment, and can control the symptoms. However, the general attitude towards mental illness is that it is incurable. We tend to ignore and/or avoid people with mental health challenges as if they have a contagious disease.

Unfortunately we also associate mental illness with low intellectual and cognitive capability. Our society has excluded, discriminated and marginalized people with mental health issues. A few days ago, I was sitting on a bus next to an elderly man who was on his way to visit his wife in a long term care facility. That has been morning routine for the past four years. He told me that ever since she was diagnosed with dementia, her friends had been dropping off like flies. Sadly, some of these friends are people that his wife has known for over six decades. 

"We need to change the culture of this topic and make it okay to speak about mental health and suicide." Do not turn a deaf ear to the problem. Ask what we can do to alleviate the suffering. We can make a big difference by smiling at and listening to the people with mental difficulties. 

Saturday, 21 January 2017

From Canada With Love

Dear Neighbours:

Your have a new boss in White House now. I listened attentively to his seventeen minute speech after he took the Oath of office, and I took notes. I am glad that President Trump openly made promises to improve the quality of life for the regular folk and to let the government be controlled by the people again. "You will never be ignored again," he said. He promised great schools, great jobs and safe neighbourhoods. He would endeavor to make U.S.A. strong, wealthy, proud, safe again, and most of all, GREAT again.

He outlined how he was going to rebuild your country. President Trump encouraged Americans to think big and dream big. He said that you should open your heart and be patriotic. He stated that racial prejudice would not exist if American people are patriotic. However, I cannot see the connection between patriotism and the eradication of racial prejudice. I wish he had explained this statement in greater detail. Maybe the other culturally diverse societies can learn from him the methodology to resolve the complex issue of inter-racial conflicts.

A new vision was brought forth - AMERICA FIRST. Your great leader commanded you to buy only American goods and employ only American labour. Funds will be spent on new infrastructure all across your country. The borders are going to be better defended. More money will be spent to improve American military. President Trump is well known for his ability to raise funds. I pray that he is going to shine in increasing the 365 trillion USD debt your country already has. "The hour of action arrives!"

Further to the claim that "Protection leads to Prosperity", the new boss also called for "the carnage of crime and drugs to stop right here and right now". Many years ago when Rudy Giuliani was the Mayor of New York City, he managed to clean Manhattan up by painting over the graffiti, and keeping the streets clean. Maybe Mr. Giuliani is assigned this task. Moreover, I am not sure how he is going to complete the assignment on a much larger scale.

Lastly and most importantly, President Trump expressed that USA would only make alliances with selective countries from now on. He emphasized that "America will win again." He alone would determine the course of U.S.A. and the world. To be egocentrically nationalistic is one thing but to claim that he would determine the course of the world is absolutely outrageous, especially when he also said that he would "...unite the civilized world to fight against ISIS".

My beloved brothers and sisters, I was very disturbed by President Trump's inaugural address. I have been praying for you all to persevere and hold your government accountable for the forthcoming "actions". God Bless America.

Your Canadian Neighbour

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Chip On Hand?

A few years ago, my friend volunteered in the annual headcount of homeless people in the City of Vancouver. Afterwards, she commented how much resources were needed to conduct the survey each year because homeless people are transient by nature. I jokingly replied that maybe the provincial government should consider implanting a chip on each of the chronic social benefit recipients who do not have fixed addresses. My friend gave me a dirty look, and said that my suggestion would be opposed by the human rights advocates. Back in those days, only wildlife rescue teams would tag recovered animals before releasing them back to the wilderness.

Yesterday I came across a documentary exploring issues around RFID chip implants in humans. Apparently a number of bio-hackers already had RFID chips implanted on themselves and other related people. The RFID chip is approximately the size as a grain of rice. Usually the chips are implanted on the back of hands. Some wealthy individuals also had the chip implants for the sake of convenience or as a life-saving measure in case of medical emergency.

I could not see how this could become a fad in the near future. Most people value their privacy and security too much to even ponder trying this kind of technology out. Imagine upon entering a store, they are greeted by a synthesizer voice that tells them which of their favourite brands are on sale at the moment. They no longer would have to go through checkouts to pay for their purchases. Should they be checked into an Emergency Department of a hospital, the medical team would have their medical history in a few seconds by accessing their file identified by a 16-digit number transmitted by their implanted RFID chips.

The video then made a religious argument that believers would not let such chips be implanted in their body, quoting Revelation 13:16-17, King James Version Bible. 'In Christianity, some believe the implantation of chips may be the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Mark of the Beast, said to be a requirement for buying and selling, and a key element of the Book of Revelation. "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name".'

Coupled with GPS, RFID chips could be a money-saving measure to replace low-security prisons. Another concern is where the database should be stored. Like everything else in life, RFID chip implants have pros and cons. Perhaps it is too early to have an answer to the question, "Chip on hand?"