
Saturday, 27 April 2013

On the Road of Recovery

It is Day 57 of my recovery. Even though the wounds on my left knee and elbow are pretty much healed, I now face another kind of chronic pain. My sleep patterns are erratic. Sometimes I could sleep for 16-18 hours a day and sometimes I slept for 3-4 hours a day. I could hear my stomach growling and yet I have no appetite.

Perhaps I have become more aware of the trauma that my head sustained from the injury. It is as though a contractable steel band is put on my head. As far as I know, I have no bone fractures or brain injuries. I try not to take painkillers as much as possible. Massaging the scar on the left side of my face has somewhat lessen the tension in my forehead and around my eyes. I cannot read or watch television for more than a couple hours at a time.

The nurses have been telling me that my recovery has been remarkable. I tend to agree with them, claiming that the wounds on my left side now balance out the ones on my right side from the car accident three years ago. Two major accidents in three years are a bit too much to deal with for most people. Maybe I am just getting impatient to resume my journey. As the saying goes, what doesn't kill you would only make you stronger. I am definitely one of the strongest people that I know!

It is Day 80 since my accident. I now have a new hair line. I had to shave more hair to massage the keloids on top of my head. I am rather fond of the new style without the side part. It makes me look more intellectual. The dressings on my elbow and knee have been removed for three weeks. I have resumed walking after dinner since Monday. This week I could walk slowly for 15 minutes before the wounds started to hurt. I hope to increase by 5 minutes each week until the walk is 45 minutes long. I could not do the Xiang Gong exercises yet because my elbow would still bleed when moved too much. Both the knee and elbow feel very tight.

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