
Sunday, 30 December 2018

2018 in Review

Essaouira, Morocco at Daybreak.
In less than two days, we will ring in a new year. It is time to reflect back on the past 363 days.

Life was very routine and mundane in the first half of the year. I dug out all my photo albums and scrapbooks, and scanned all my paper photos into a USB stick. I gave away more clothes, shoes and accessories. But still I could not eliminate the use of a locker. I suppose I would need a locker in Vancouver as long as I spend half of a year in Canada. When weather is getting more extreme in Vancouver, winter clothing is a necessity.

Unlike the summer of 2016, I did not volunteer in public events as much this summer. I tried to help people on a one-to-one basis more. Sometimes it is just listening to people's complaints. At the same time, I spent a lot of time gathering as much information about West Africa as possible. The prospects were looking worse and worse the whole time. Subsequently I made a decision that I would just travel to fewer countries in West Africa than I had originally planned.

By the end of July, I quit Facebook to rediscover the real me. I felt so free from the shackles of social media and my thinking became clearer. I lost the compulsion to check FB news feed frequently. I had approximately three months of pre-FB peace of mind. Then I realized that I had to join an FB group that would provide me the latest status and news on the West African countries that I am going to visit. I reactivated my FB account mid-November and posted regularly again.

My West African journey started on October 1st in Paris, France. The fact, that I was dragging my feet in my actual visit in the Western part of the African continent, prolonged my visits in Spain and Morocco. If I had to choose a favourite city in Europe on this tour, it would have to be Cordoba, Spain and Essaouira in Morocco.
Cordoba at night.
Life is full of surprises. Just when I thought it would be unlikely to fit a month-long visit to Cape Verde, I found out that Air Senegal started direct flights between Dakar and Praia at the beginning of December. Cape Verde again became the highlight of my West African journey. To be able to spend the holiday season in Cape Verde is a dream come true. My West African journey once again became eye-opening and enjoyable. Thank you God for answering my prayers and bestowing all these wonderful gifts on me this year.
Sunset behind Volcano Fogo, Cape Verde.